Do you have a website for your business? Have you considered how it can work for you and earn your business money? landing page
Semi-Permanent Makeup by Vanessa – my impression of her brand personality from looking at her website, Facebook business page and looking at the local competitors is that the semi-permanent makeup service that Vanessa offers is more about enhancing the natural beauty of her clients rather than the glamour work that is an option in her industry.
The brand appears to be friendly, I, as a potential customer, am not intimidated at the thought of using Vanessa's services. I can see that she enjoys the work she does and celebrates her staff/peers as well as her customers. Looking at Vanessa's website, here > it's very easy to simplify and redistribute the information that's already on there to create a better user experience fro browsers.
Let's look at redesigning the about me page
First we take a look at the current About Page
There are a few items here which can be moved to a more appropriate location and a few links that can be deleted and the information can be moved:
Location, address, map – these can be moved to the Contact Page, it's a more logical place for these items to be found by web browsers/potential clients. Think about it from the browsers point of view, if they are coming to your site to only find ONE piece of information, where would they look?
Details like the parking and disabled access info should also feature on the Contact Page, perhaps under a Find Us heading Think about the sites you've visited, contact details can be found under Contact, Find Us, Location – how would you display your page?
Opening hours are very important for potential customers to know about and so should appear on every page – I recommend having them appear within the page header (see example below)
Contact telephone number can appear on the Contact Page, header as well as the footer if you want to encourage browsers to contact the business
Here's how I would redesign the About page:
Here's how I did it:
I added Vanessa's brand colour as the dominant colour
Re-ordered the information to show the benefits to the client rather than focussing solely on about Vanessa, browsers really want to know the benefits to themselves so your About Page creates an emotional connection between you and your potential client
I've also edited the text (although it'll need further editing) to focus, again, more on the benefits to the client
The images have been laid out more like a beauty magazine and I've included a family photo – this should appeal to a more targeted audience and adds to the untold story of Vanessa, creating intrigue
You'll notice the important information has been centred while the extra information (photos, subscription box, accreditation logo) is surrounding this on the outsides – this helps to lead the viewer around the page and help make it easier to read
The Finishing Touches Group logo is important but only to those clients that are familiar with that brand, it give Vanessa a level of prestige by being associated with their training – so by being on the side it helps to recognise the quality of her work and by adding a link on the logo, those unfamiliar with the brand can do their research by clicking on the logo and going to their site
There are 2 call-to-actions here, 2 ways for customer engagement:
a subscription box for clients that want to receive news and promotion notifications before they decide to 'buy' or for loyal clients
a button with a link to the Treatments Page for warmed up potential clients that have read the About Page and want to know more about a particular treatment, it'll take them directly to the Treatments Landing Page
You may have also noticed:
The header has been redesigned using the brand colour
Business open hours have been added
The menu tabs have been reduced right down and is now less overwhelming, see below for the website site map for how the missing tabs would be incorporated into the new site plan
Social media icons have been used instead of being a menu drop down tab
A footer has also been added
the menu from above has been repeated in the footer along with the addition of FAQs, Ts & Cs and Privacy Policy
A copyright date (which shows that the site has been updated this year, it's a dead giveaway of an inactive site when it's outdated and also ranks your site higher with Google when the site is updated regularly – blogs are great for this)
Official business name (in this case it's different from the website name so it's helpful for potential clients to find you elsewhere online, and shows the legitimacy of your business)
Registered business address, this is a legal requirement for all businesses
I've found some information on legal requirements for your website, check it out here: here's a really simple guide: Website footer requirements:
How to find where your site is hosted: |
If you didn't read the last blog post about Website Must Have's, you can find it here >
If you want to read the full critique and suggested changes I've recommended for Vanessa, click here >
Vanessa and I had a zoom meeting where I broke down a lot of the changes I was recommending and with her permission it's been recorded and you can watch the edited video here >. If you would like me to help you with your website with feedback or redesigning it for you, contact me here > and we can chat through your requirements.