The colours you choose to decorate your brand are so important – they help to create an anchor to help your brand being remembered but they also give your ideal clients a perception of the quality of service they can expect when investing in your product/service, the quality and expertise behind the brand, the level of customer care and the price/value of your product/service. That's before they even research to find answers to their perception. This is 1st impression stuff that you need to get right. It's also another way to establish trust and build rapport by reflecting your brand personality.

By researching Colour Psychology with specific colours to confirm your brand personality, you're building rapport with your ideal client, based in trust. This is the most valuable commodity, trust takes time to build but when it's done right, it's long lasting and creates advocates out of clients – people who want to sing your praises and be a part of your success.
I need to check if my chosen brand colour palette is resonating with my ideal client. So I've listed all the associations with each of my individual colours. Something to remember is that colours also influence each other when grouped together. Overall my brand colour palette gives the perception of friendly, nurturing and approachable. What I might be lacking here is an air of experience and professionalism. I'll need to measure if these missing traits are important to my target clients and how to go about adding this to my overall brand perception. It might be colour choices but it might also be changing my brand font! There are a few more steps before I even start thinking about next-step solutions…

If I only used the brand blue my brand would appear very cold and aloof, by adding the 2 warmer colours, dusty pink and mustard, it warms everything up and gives an overall perception of a friendlier brand. There's nothing wrong with appearing cold and aloof if your target client wants that type of a service – think solicitor, where your client needs you to keep a professional distance. Not all businesses need to be casual, friendly and welcoming. Mine does because it's also reflecting my personality and I am passionate and excited when working with my clients. This colour palette reflects my energy and warmth. I will only know if this is the right choice through a series of exercises.
The next step will be reviewing my Brand Font, the font of my logo and the font I choose in any literature and website. The font will be working hand-in-hand with the colours chosen and tone-of-voice I adopt in all communications with my clients. Then I'll be researching my ideal client – who they are, what they want and how they would be most comfortable working with me…
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If you have any questions about your brand or want some honest feedback on how I think your current brand is being perceived externally, drop me a line and let's set up a non-obligation 20-min zoom meeting.